see on my AGENDA information about next presentations of SPECTRES & NEONS

Taken at long exposure along many walks into the spectral nights of neon, these images reveal dynamic figures made by urban lights in motion subtly modulated by the 50hz of the electric network and the quick random movement of the hand-held camera.

These photographies are part of my RETINAL MUSIC series where light modulates the eyes in total silence, like the needle of a pick-up vibrates at the pace of a groove on a vinyl record to transmit sonic images to the ears, here light in motion transmits sonic sensations thru the eyes thanks to some synesthesic imagination

Although my RETINAL MUSIC compositions are most often made in video, here i decided to fix the dynamism of light in motion into the photographic space-time

I have selected 20 images from about a hundred of others to print them on good art paper on rigid supports in 32x32cm, the size of long play record covers, so to expose them in festivals, galeries and art centers

The compositions included on the album are formed by hundreds of fragments recorded between 1991 and 2022, mixed and recomposed into 20 themes

During a summer residency in 2020 at the recording studio of my friend Stephan Dunkelman in Brussels, i had pre-selected these fragments among thousands of unreleased sound material accumulated since the mid 80s and i finished to mix those during another summer residency in 2022 at Transonic Lab in Mons

The memory of Stephan Dunkelman who died two months after my passage by his studio has been very present during the realisation of this record
maybe some particles of his spirit flow hiden somewhere behind the spectral shadows of neon…